I would like to flee away from this system with Covid related requirements.
Not counting old age and other sicknesses 20+ thousand JW's have died of Covid in this past year and a half. Since they believe it will take 1000 years to grow to perfection, hopefully the ones "fleeing from this system of things" aren't carrying covid or suffering from any number of ailments that require a handful of medications to stay alive. I imagine that if and when "armageddon" is over, there will be JW's who are in their high 80's or 90's or JW's who were diagnosed with untreatable stage 4 cancer the week before armageddon arrived and even with the best of medical attention, only have so many more months to live and will already be at deaths door. There may be JW's who were laying on an operating table having heart surgery when Armageddon hits or will have just given birth to a premature or sick baby. Since it will be 1000 years before they are finally perfect, will the still imperfect sick or elderly people who survived armageddon, suffer and die in the new System from the myriad of illnesses they carry or die of old age before perfection is reached . If so will they be resurrected later or immediately?
It used to be fun to think about paradise and living forever, petting lions and living "happily ever after" but as an adult, when you look at it literally and focus on the details, you realized how far fetched the whole concept is. It worked for us because most JW's only have a idealized vague notion about what after armageddon will look like and what it would take to health wise to get everyone past the thousand years and what being happy living for all eternity would take, mentally. They mock "worldly" people for believing they're going to heaven to be with Jesus yet at the same time their hope is just as much of a fairy tale.
Maybe living in a country with "Covid requirements" might not be such a bad thing to you after all ? Hopefully we all have many happy Novembers to look forward to and won't spend them speculating on nonsense and wishing for better time that will never arrive.